July 2007
BARNEWALL RESOURCES’ Director and Principal Consultant, Geoff Hales, has gained an opportunity to assist with the Millennium Challenge Account program in Vanuatu. The program, funded by the United State’s Millennium Challenge Corporation, utilises a 65million USD grant from the US Government and aims to reduce transport costs and improve access reliability on several islands in Vanuatu. The key project involves a design and build contract for roads, air-strips, wharves and bridges. The program concludes in 2011.
GRM International Pty Ltd, a leading international resource and development management company based in Brisbane, has secured the role to manage the procurement of capital works, goods and services associated with the entire program. They have partnered with the Kramer Group, a pacific based engineering consulting firm, to provide the services.
Geoff has been appointed as Technical Director of the team, and as such is responsible for providing technical oversight for the planning and implementation of procurement activities. He is personally excited with this opportunity to assist with another aid project that will have a significant and positive impact in Vanuatu.
For more information on the program click on MCA – Vanuatu website